Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The "Misa Pastorela" Tradition of Provincial Philippine Churches

    Pastoral Masses "Misa Pastorela" are traditionally sung during Simbang Gabi (Dawn Masses celebrated for 9 days before Christmas.) As in the name, the Misa Pastorela were composed in the 'pastoral' fashion - they are primarily written in 6/8, with prominent dotted rhythms in the melody, sometimes with a drone to depict shepherds and the countryside. 

    Back then, singing the Misa Pastorela is a staple of the Simbang Gabi tradition in the Philippines. However, with the introduction of the New Roman Missal (Novus Ordo) in 1969 brought by Vatican II, the tradition singing the Pastorela started to disappear. Some churches translated the lyrics into the vernacular to adhere with Vatican II, but most abandoned the old Pastorela settings. In addition, recent composers wrote new Pastorela settings modeled after the New Mass. Only a few places today still sing the old Pastorelas of the olden times.